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Touch Floor Jump Squat

Yazarın fotoğrafı: Imge GursoyImge Gursoy

Squat pozisyonu alın. Bir elinizle yere dokunun. Esnekliğiniz yeterli değilse, dokunmasanız da olur.

Havaya doğru hafif sıçrayın.

Yere hafifçe inin, dizlerinizi bükün. Kalça geride, yine yere dokunun.

Her yere indiğinizde, elinizi değiştirebilirsiniz.

Göğüs her zaman karşıya bakıyor. Ayaklar 45 derece açıda olabilir.

Hop, landing with your feet more than shoulder width apart, with the toes pointed outward at a 45-degree angle. As you land, bend at the knees and hips, reaching down to touch the floor with one hand in one fluid motion.

Once your hand touches the ground, come back up with a hop, bringing your feet back together. Then repeat the motion, touching the floor with the alternate hand.

When you reach down to touch the floor, keep your back as straight as possible. That means you need to really lower your hips and deepen the squat—not stooping down with your back. To improve your balance as you squat, reach your opposite hand backward.

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