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Renegade Row


Dambılları birbirine paralel şekilde yere koyun.

Eller ve dizler yerde olacak şekilde table top pozisyonuna gelin.

Dambılları tutun.

Dizlerinizi düzeltin ve plank pozisyonuna gelin.

Karın, kalça sıkı ve pelvik tilt pozisyonunda.

Eller, omuz hizasında dambılların üstünde.

Tüm vücudunuz dümdüz bir çizgide olmalı.

Sağ elinizdeki dambılı kaldırarak, göğüs hizasına kadar çekin.

Asla vücudunuzu döndürmeyin. Vücudunuz, kalçanız dümdüz olmalı.

Sonra dambılı yere koyun.

Sonra sola elinizdeki dambılla aynı hareketi tekrarlayın.

Çalıştırılan kaslar: Sırt (Latismus dorsi, rhomboids, spinal erektörler) omuz, triceps, abs, quadriceps, ön kol.


  1. Place the dumbbells on the floor, positioned so that when you set up in a plank position, the dumbbells are roughly shoulder-distance apart and the handles of the dumbbells are parallel to one another.

  2. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop-like position, gripping one dumbbell with each hand. Your hands should be aligned beneath your shoulders and your knees under your hips.

  3. Step your feet behind you to enter a full plank position, your body supported by your hands and the balls of your feet. Check your form here—your body should form a straight line from your heels to your head with your core engaged and tight. Position your feet so they're roughly hip-distance apart to offer more balance and support to the exercise.

  4. Inhale and shift your weight slightly to your left side so more of your weight is supported by your left palm. Your body shouldn't twist—make sure both hips and shoulders remain square to the floor.

  5. Squeeze your right shoulder blade toward your spine and draw the dumbbell held in your right hand toward your chest, bending your elbow as you draw the dumbbell toward you. Exhale as you lift the dumbbell. Check your form at the top of the movement—your hips and shoulders should still be squared to the floor, the dumbbell should be pulled all the way to your right chest/shoulder, and your right elbow should be pointing up and toward the back of the room.

  6. Lower the dumbbell slowly to the floor, returning it to the starting position.

  7. Shift your weight to the right side and repeat the exercise, this time drawing the left dumbbell to your left chest/shoulder. This completes one full repetition.

  8. Complete the desired number of repetitions and exit the exercise by lowering your knees back to the floor before releasing the dumbbells and sitting up.

Muscles: Upper back (latissimus dorsi, rhomboids), shoulders, triceps, abdominals, quadriceps, forearms, spinal erectors

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