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One Arm DB Row to Close Grip DB Row

Bacaklar kalça genişliğinde açık.

Karın sıkı, vücut dik, kürek kemikleri birbirine yapışık.

Dizler hafif kırık, sırtımız dümdüz ve yere paralel olana dek eğiliyoruz.

Elimizde birer dambıl/dumbbell tutuyoruz.

İlk önce sol elinizdeki dambılı göğsünüze kadar çekin. Dirseğiniz vücuda yakın ve tavanı gösteriyor olmalı.

Sonra aşağıya indirin ve sağ elinizdeki dambılı göğsünüze kadar çekin. Dirseğiniz vücuda yakın ve tavanı gösteriyor olmalı.

Ardından iki dambıl birbirine yapışık şekilde, göğsünüze kadar çekin ve indirin.

Position yourself so that your legs are slightly bent and you can lean over at the waist to where your back is parallel to the ground. Keep a straight back throughout the exercise, do not hunch over. Once you have the position down, bend with your legs to grab the dumbbell (or dumbbells), and then reposition yourself with your arms extended and your straight back parallel to the ground.

Avoid rounding or arching the lumbar spine.

Begin the upward motion of the dumbbell by first sliding your shoulder blade toward your spine and then lifting the weight up toward your torso by driving your elbow to the ceiling. Keep your elbow close to your body as it passes the ribs.

Squeeze your shoulder blade in toward the center of back (contracting the rhomboids). At the end of the movement, the dumbbell should be in line with your chest and your elbow should be pointing up toward the ceiling. Be sure to maintain good posture through your spine, shoulders, and hips.

Switch sides and repeat exact move.

Then hold dumbbells as close together as possible.

Pull the dumbbell (or dumbbells) toward your sternum (between your stomach and rib cage). As you pull up, you want to comfortably pull your elbows back as far as they can go without hitting your sternum with the weight.

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